InicioVideojuegosCriptojuegosAxie Infinity: announces changes to gain SLP | English

Axie Infinity: announces changes to gain SLP | English


Axie Infinity announced new changes to the energy system that directly affects how SLP is obtained for players who use Axies borrowing between accounts.

The developers reported that many players «juggle» by passing Axies from one account to another in order to increase their amount of energy, something that is against the game’s terms of service.

In the new energy system update, Axies that are given away, loaned or purchased will no longer count for extra energy on the same day they are acquired.

Axies suspended or blocked from the game will also no longer count as extra energy.

New changes in the energy system

What is energy in Axie Infinity?

All Axie Infinity players have an energy resource that can be seen in the main menu.

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Players start with 20/20 energy, and as they play an arena or adventure battle they consume 1 energy point.

Axie Infinity energy resource

Daily energy will be fully recharged every day during server restart.

This in-game energy system prevents bots from exploiting rewards and players from playing and earning too much SLP, which can be bad for the economy.

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