InicioEcosistemaDeFi: Earn passive income in cryptocurrencies with CashCow Protocol

DeFi: Earn passive income in cryptocurrencies with CashCow Protocol


The crypto ecosystem has experienced major setbacks in the value of cryptoassets over the past few months, causing uncertainty about the best options for investing in bearish trends.

For this reason, we present an investment method through the DeFi CashCow Protocol, with the aim of providing new opportunities to safeguard your assets while generating passive income.

CashCow Protocol is a project that has been offering a DeFi ecosystem for more than 9 months so that users can make investments through the COW token, with the backing of their smart contracts audited by CertiK.

Main advantages of the COW token

  1. It is secure: audited by Certik.
  2. It is scarce: low supply of hyper-deflationary crypto assets.
  3. Provides voting power: own the Protocol through governance.
  4. Automated liquidity in PancakeSwap: locked liquidity.
  5. Reflexive tokenomics: earn simply by logging in.
  6. The more $COW you have, the more profit you make.
  7. Provides the MilkPower bonus in the farm game.
  8. You can Stake to earn $MILK.

You can read all the detailed information about the COW token here.

CashCow Protocol / 8 reasons to buy $COW
CashCow Protocol / 8 reasons to buy $COW

CashCow Protocol RoadMap

The CashCow Protocol also has a RoadMap divided into 6 stages, where the developers specify each of the steps to be followed within the project.

Currently, CashCow Protocol is in the third stage of its RoadMap, where the main objectives to be reached are:

  • Reach 10,000 holders within the protocol.
  • To have a market cap of $10 million.
  • Establish strategic partnerships or alliances for the growth of the project.
CashCow Protocol / Project RoadMap
CashCow Protocol / Project RoadMap

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This article is for information purposes only and does not constitute a purchase or investment recommendation. Readers are encouraged to do their due diligence before investing in NFTs or cryptocurrencies, as most are highly volatile.


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