InicioVideojuegosCriptojuegosPlant vs Undead released the game's White Paper. Know it's 5 keys | English

Plant vs Undead released the game’s White Paper. Know it’s 5 keys | English


On Friday, September 24, the developers of Plant vs Undead surprised the community with the release of their official «White Paper«.

The Plant vs Undead White Paper establishes the objective of the game, the distribution of PVU tokens and a «Road Map» that contains the next steps of the game and the dates to accomplish them.

The announcement comes suddenly, in what we could call «the most difficult moment of Plant vs Undead«. It was received positively by a large part of the community, due to the explanations on several issues that so far had remained unanswered by the Devs.

In this article we will show you a summary of the White Paper, its most important points and the positive and negative aspects for the Plant vs Undead community.

1. Basic PVP gameplay for Plant vs Undead

The «Survival» mode is about to be released, where players will engage in battles between the mother tree, plants and zombies until the tree is destroyed, or all zombies are eradicated.

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In each round, a player will be able to team up with 1 mother tree and 8 NFT plants. The positions of the plants are important as they provide «synergy» for attack power. For example, 3 fire plants in proximity will add ignition to the attack. This is the same for the other elements.

Killing zombies will provide energy, which can be used to upgrade or relocate plants in the game according to your strategy.

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Survival mode of Plant vs Undead

2. Farm Mode of Plant vs Undead

Now you can not only have fun as a farmer, but also grow virtual plants from seeds and receive rewards as you play.

Players start with plants from the in-game store (non-NFT) or plants purchased directly from the Marketplace (NFT). These need to be tended every day before they have a chance to harvest and receive Light Energy (LE). LE is the in-game currency that you can exchange directly for PVU tokens and seeds that could be converted into more NFTs.

Players must take care of their plants through unpredictable weather and defend them from destructive crows to get the highest yield from the harvest.

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Farm Mode of Plant vs Undead

3. What will be the use of NFT plants in Plant vs Undead?

The Plant vs Undead team wants to have room for new updates and expansions in the future of the game. Therefore, the use of plants in the new mode will be as follows:

Each plant will have a fixed number of uses for the modes. When this number reaches 0, the plant cannot be used again in that mode. However, that plant can still be used in other existing modes or new modes in the future.

It will also be possible to add new plants to the group and find new unique plants in each seed supply period. This way players will always be able to have new experiences in the game.

NFT plant variety
NFT plant variety

4. How will the marketplace work in the new update?

Players will be able to buy, sell, lend or borrow plants within the marketplace. This will all happen in the game’s internal system to reduce fees by up to 5%. However, the PVU team, as a sole right, will be able to change those fees from time to time to balance the market.

Plant vs Undead Marketplace
Plant vs Undead Marketplace

5. How will the tokens be distributed?

As stated, only 300 million PVUs were issued by the game developers and were allocated or distributed as follows:

This is the first time that Plant vs Undead team discloses the distribution of in-game tokens, aiming to gain more confidence in its users and investors.

You can download the Plant vs Undead White Paper here.

Translation by Marco Tulio Lanz

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