InicioVideojuegosCriptojuegosPlant vs Undead CEO explained how Farm 3.0 will work | English

Plant vs Undead CEO explained how Farm 3.0 will work | English


The CEO of Plant vs Undead, surprised us this September 27, with several announcements about the new features of Farm 3.0, and also explained several details about what is coming in the PVP mode.

This announcement made during the AMA had a positive impact on the community, due to the amount of information provided about the Farm 3.0 update.

Everything points to the fact that the developers are committed to the growth of the game and want to regain the trust of its users, which was deteriorated in recent days by various announcements regarding the LE to PVU conversion system.

Since the beginning of the game, several changes were made, which decreased the profitability in Farm mode and consequently caused discontent in many users. This seems to have been left behind thanks to the different farming possibilities that the game will have in the near future.

What can we expect from Farm 3.0?

Farm 3.0 comes with a few new features in the gameplay. Now it will be allowed to crop, raise zombies and sell your products for profit.

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There will be several types of crops, each with their own unique characteristics. Some will grow faster than others, some will give more LE per hour and others will simply produce larger crops in the right weather conditions.

Once you have harvested, the only thing you will need to do is sell all your products at the market so that you can earn income in PVU or LE.

Farm 3.0 Plant vs Undead

Is farming mode the only mode available in Farm 3.0?

A great new feature of Farm 3.0 is that farming will not be the only activity in the game. Now you will also be able to create zombies (pets) to help in the farm with different tasks like harvesting, defending your goods from crows or watering your plants.

Activities such as fishing and mining will also be added. These will provide materials to craft items and help you improve your farm to give you more income.

Most importantly, all materials and LE obtained can be used in PvE mode, where you strategically build a team from your plants to fight zombies. This will be your most reliable method of obtaining PVU.

The more undead you kill, the more PVU you can get!

Survival / Plant vs Undead Mode

Developer’s words about Farm 3.0

There is a great expectation from the developers about Farm 3.0, they even claim that Plant vs Undead will be among the users’ favorite simulation games.

This is what the Plant vs Undead team had to say:

«With many different types of crops, there will always be something new growing on your farm, no matter how many times you play. If that’s not enough, there are many other types of materials just waiting for someone like you to gather them.

You will never run out of things to do with Farm 3.0 because the game will be full of content just for people like you who love simulation games about farms and ranches, but want something new with a lot more features than what other games currently offer.

We know that once you try it, Farm 3.0 will become one of your favorite simulation games.»

Plant vs Undead / Farm 3.0

Now let’s hope that the release of Farm 3.0 will be a resounding success and that the Plant vs Undead team will once and for all regain the trust of every member of the community.

Translation by Marco Tulio Lanz

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